Aura Photos

The aura is an electromagnetic field of energy that can be visually captured in a photograph using a hand sensor that measures an individual's unique biofeedback. This field of energy holds a great deal of information and insight for the individual being read. 

A full reading includes a photo as well as a detailed report which includes chakra levels, possible blocks, various energy charts and a detailed personality horoscope based off of the colors and placement of colors surrounding the individual. The results are explained through the lens of nearly a decade of experience working with the aura system with thousands of clients.

About The System:

IES AuraCloud technology uses a biosensor to measure live electrodermal activity and the temperature of the skin to create biofeedback data. The data is then digitalized, analyzed and correlated to a specific emotional-energetic state that is displayed in multiple charts, graphs and real-time simulations. The system portrays emotional energy, personality type and overall health wellness. 


  • 15 minutes


    (Group rates available)

  • 30 minutes


    (Group rates available)

Aura Gallery

Aura Gallery